Why Toastmasters Offer Great Opportunities For Success

Why Toastmasters Offer Great Opportunities For Success

Speaking as a Toastmaster member of more than 35 years…..

Summer Lotus
4 min readOct 12, 2021


By Rosalind Ho (Canva.com)

Why are you so busy? Why are some people burning both ends of the candle and filling every waking hour with some activity or another? You can say that they are looking for opportunities to better themselves and prove their worth.

I think that many are not looking in the best place.

What has Toastmasters got to do with this? Well, Toastmasters activity presents “opportunities”.

It is the opportunity to discover your passions, capabilities, and motivations. As a dentist, being a Toastmasters member has benefited me immensely. During work, I do not delve very much into a chat with the patient that is not related to their dental problems.

We don’t get to jaw all day unlike some professions as the patients have discomfort and pain issues to solve. We ask standard questions, listen well and provide accurate diagnosis and treatment plans. There are really no social speaking skills to develop as dental patients are often too nervous to strike up any conversations. They just want their problems solved.

What Opportunities do Toastmasters offer?

1 Hence, I joined Toastmasters for the opportunity to hone my communication skills and do good presentations. Toastmasters program called ‘pathways’ today is so structured to improve one’s communication skills project by project. The objectives are clear and there is guidance online and sample videos to watch. One gets to grade our own performance besides being formally evaluated by an experienced member. The improvement is insidious but clearly progressing.

It is a very safe environment to make mistakes at speaking and spruce your communication skills. Everyone learns at the meeting and becomes more adept at each project.

Good communication skills encompass the fields of speaking, body language, delivery style, speech content, voice, the employment of appropriate phrases and words, the proper use of the time allotted, etc.



Summer Lotus

Translated from my Chinese name. Interested in life, curious about everything. Challenge seeker, die-hard enthusiast, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.