Why A Dental Implant Is The Best Option

Why A Dental Implant Is The Best Option

Don’t let fear prevent you from making a good choice

Summer Lotus
4 min readOct 24, 2020


By Rosalind Ho

When most patients hear of the word ‘implant’, they are immediately fearful. The image of a drill boring holes through their gums into the bone and putting a ‘screw’ in the jaw is too mechanical for their liking.

If they are willing to listen and find out more about the benefits of dental implants, their perception would be changed.

Dental implants have evolved tremendously. Today’s advances in medical and dental science have allowed dental implants to be inserted in a predictably successful manner.

Consequences of tooth loss.

Teeth loss may be due to fracture because of large restorations, gross decay, gum disease, or heavy biting. The effects of tooth loss may or may not be evident.

  1. Speech impediment – loss of front teeth may result in difficulty in the pronunciation of certain words or cause lisping. Appearance is also affected.
  2. Biting efficiency – when a tooth is lost, the opposite tooth becomes non- functional. The load of biting forces is distributed over a smaller surface area of the teeth resulting in greater masticatory force over existing…



Summer Lotus

Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.