When Do You Attain True Freedom

Summer Lotus
Aug 5, 2021


By Rosalind Ho (Canva.com)

When you can overcome your perceived fears

When you are able to live the life you want

When you remain happy regardless of the circumstances around you

When you are able to move on after a tragedy or failure

When you accept that death is certain and unexpected and you are always ready

When you seize every moment as a blessing of staying alive.

When you realize that you always had the freedom but you need to claim it.

When you treat everyone cordially and have not made any enemies thus far.

When you can enjoy your own company and seek solitude often.

When you realize that life’s problems are all caused by human beings themselves and seek to remove the root causes.

When you know that you will meet your maker one day and he will forgive you.



Summer Lotus

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.