Ten Popular Literary Devices To Make Your Speech Memorable.

Ten Popular Literary Devices To Make Your Speech Memorable.

This list is not exhaustive but highly useful

Summer Lotus
7 min readApr 2, 2021


By Rosalind Ho

What enthralls me about the English Language? It is the way the article is written or the way the speech is spoken. Sitting down and dissecting an essay or speech for its effectiveness uncovers many useful devices cleverly employed by the writer or the speaker.

I refer to the use of rhetorical or literary devices.

A rhetorical device is a technique where words are used in a certain way to evoke emotions, persuade or convey meaning. It comes across as stylish, memorable, and impactful. It holds the listener’s attention longer as his interest is piqued to want to know the whole story or the reader is thrilled by the way words are used and able to envision the story told.

Let’s examine popular rhetorical devices used in speeches by famous people.

Alliteration — This is the repetition of consonants or sounds at the beginning of two or more words. For example, ‘picture perfect. Though the words begin with a different consonant as in ‘Kids’ coats’ or ‘Cunning King’, they are alliterative. They should come in quick succession for maximum impact.



Summer Lotus

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.