My Chinese Friend’s Treat To A Fabulous Lunch

What I did to change their belief about the fear of losing face.

Summer Lotus
4 min readDec 5, 2021
By Rosalind Ho (

If you are familiar with Chinese culture, the concept of ‘face’ is very important. In particular, to a Chinese, a situation can be described as having ‘lost face’ if he or she faces embarrassment in social intercourse. When what he does or says raises eyebrows or seemingly so.

Among Asians, the face can be given, earned, or lost. It is not just a personal shame and may be extended to your family or clan. Sometimes, it may not seem to be right but it makes the person looks good. Compared to the west, where your face or honor is more about personal integrity and truth. But it can require one to be straight-talking and put others in a spot.

This concept of giving face is very important if you are doing business in China. Or your deal will likely fall through! The outspoken foreigner may come across as being rude, overbearing, and uncultured if you are unaware of this practice. It is this skill that will cement the guanxi or relationship that determines your successful business transaction.

If you want a smooth relationship, stay positive and grateful for the occasions. Give sincere compliments, bring a surprise gift (one that is not easily available in that country), and genuinely try to…



Summer Lotus

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.