Let Covid-19 Restrictions Keep You Creative.

Let Covid-19 Restrictions Keep You Creative.

Have a great time, not all is lost.

Summer Lotus
5 min readOct 11, 2020


By Rosalind Ho (Canva.com)

Every chance I have, I would explore. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the smaller the world gets. More information will be accessible to you because of a new experience.

You see things, you meet more people and you learn more. The more you stay put at where you feel is convenient and comfortable, the smaller your world becomes and you become confined to your little niche until one day, you stepped out…. you realized the world has changed and you had missed out a lot.

We, human beings are creatures of habit. I used to subscribe to the old adage, “ It’s ain't broken, don't fix it”. So I would go to the same cafe, do the same things and go out with the same circle of friends. But this does not allow growth. Growth can only occur if your senses, your rationale, and your attitude are challenged or awakened.

These days, I would go off onto untrodden territories. Stuff that I usually don't do until this Covid-19 era when traveling is curtailed and we look for things to do to deal with the mundane.

With more time on my hands, I started to explore. I would go cafe hopping following safe entry and safe…



Summer Lotus

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.