Focus on the positive

One of the most important survival skills in life

Summer Lotus
4 min readJul 18, 2021
By Rosalind Ho (

Geoge Lucas, the famous film director of Star Wars said, “Always remember – your focus determines your reality .”

Why we must focus on the positive.

1 Life will throw a lot of obstacles at you. Some are disguised as opportunities. Being negative would only make you think about problems. Staying positive makes you take action.

2 Research and studies have shown that the human mind tends to be affected by negative thoughts and hold on to them longer. I think that our minds naturally gravitate towards negativity which may be due to self-preservation.

We have to work hard to get out of a negative mindset.

We need to train our minds to think of the good stuff.

Let me relate my experience about focusing on the positive.

One day, my patient brought her 18-year-old daughter to my clinic and said, “Please give her something to do while waiting for her results. She wants to do dentistry”. She seemed like a good girl, somewhat reserved.

My negative tendency was to note that she had no experience whatsoever and would consume much of our time to train her. She was only going to be a temporary help.



Summer Lotus

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.