Do This When You Have Nothing To Write.

Feel bored and out of ideas for your writing?

Summer Lotus
4 min readNov 29, 2021

Get out of the home and explore. Look for a place that you have not been to for some time, look up an old friend and find out how he or she is keeping, visit a mall or a new cafe.

You will be surprised at how fluid things have become. About the parks, there are now many friendly parks and nature reserves that you can enjoy jogging, strolling, cycling, skating, and basking in Sunny Singapore.

In fact, for a small country like Singapore, there are more than 350 parks and 4 nature reserves to escape from the din of city life. It is due to the pandemic that many realize the gems in their backyard. Before this, I used to travel overseas to enjoy their green parks but one should be appreciative of our own first.

The East Coast is the largest park as well as a beach, covering nearly 185 hectares (457 acres) of reclaimed waterfront land. You see people strolling, cycling, skateboarding, on roller skates, jogging, barbequing, swimming, and picnicking near the shore. In addition, the park has many eateries and chalets as well.

It was one cool afternoon that I called on a friend to go walking. We chatted and scored the required 10,000 steps recommended for health benefits to reduce weight, improve glucose intolerance, and reduce blood pressure. When one is engaged in an interesting conversation, one does not feel the mileage covered. Along the way, our sharing threw up some…



Summer Lotus

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.