6 Steps To Change My Life For Good

Summer Lotus
2 min readOct 25, 2023
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

A person without a direction is like a ship without a rudder; One simply revolves on the spot while finding his way.

There are 6 key steps to effect a remarkable change.

1 Never stop learning.. The job that you think is an iron rice bowl can still be broken. Your ability cannot.

Continue to expand on your ability, knowledge and outlook. This will upskill yourself to meet up with the demands of the everchanging world.

Continue to imbibe knowledge whether financial, societal, philosophical, etc as. it brings one to a higher intellectual level of thought to understand the underlying logic of life .

2 Be simple – This is a panacea for the perplexed heart. Sometimes letting go is an absolute skill to have when there is a deluge of goods or information even social events .

Less on materialism, less on fame and fortune, less on desires. All are not easy to do.

But Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and the way to clarity of thought.

3 Develop a skill

Best way to be respected and accepted is to be good in at least one thing.

As you pursue your passionate field or interest, you become unique and almost often irreplaceable, job wise.



Summer Lotus

My Chinese name. Inspired by mundane events to write to become more self aware. Challenge seeker, lover of sports, dental surgeon, ardent Toastmaster.